Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Trying to catch up

Some recent pages. And when I say "recent" I mean in the last two months or so. I'm so behind!!! I finished Halloween and started the first of two Thanksgiving pages last night. However...I haven't finished Summer ''s overwhelming. And Christmas? Haven't even touched it."going home" is one of my favorite pages in a long simple. so cute.

The "heaven sent" page above is for the family scrapbook, and the two page hospital layout is for Jack's baby book. I didn't have the kind of script lettering I needed and hadn't yet gotten my I painted the script title/vines, etc. myself. I don't love my handwriting or anything, but I guess Jack will think it's cool later on in life. Or his wife will. Or husband. Or whatever. My sister gave me a gift bag with these little owls on it. I was more than happy to cut them off the bag and put them to good use!

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